Monday, January 28, 2013

Thinspiration Monday

In January, most other people have winter blues, but not I. Normally around this time of year I start fantasizing about warm azure waves, lounging in swaying hammock on a balmy day with a pina colada in hand. So naturally I start bikini shopping. I was delusional in thinking I would be able to go right back to working out two months after giving birth. At that point I was only starting to get 4 hours sleep a night and regaining my sanity.

Even now at 5 months, I am trying to find the motivation to get back to the gym. Luckily all 35 pounds I gained was literally baby weight but now I'm left with just my flabby old self. I was pregnant starting in December last year. The frigid cold here in MN adds a rich layer of blubber, like an arctic seal, which means I have to work off two layers of blubber to get back to my ideal pre-Minnesota self.  That is why, I quote Anna Wintour, Minnesotans are built like small houses.

I went pin happy this weekend, working on my swimwear for this year. I discovered two new swimwear style crushes: JETS by Monica Allen and L* Space. Here are some of my favorites:

Sexy and flattering. For covering up the few imperfect stretch marsk from pregnancy. Mine are very light and I'm not bothered by them but I do love this suit. Totally getting one.

Love the idea. Not sure if the bottom will not look like a sexy swim diaper.

This one comes with a matching one for my baby girl. Getting both!


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