Champagne Sunday Studio offering Fashion and Interior Design services.

Fashion design - available for freelance projects in women's RTW design, trend forecasting, and apparel & accessories design.

Interior design services offered - one on one consultation and interior decorating of living spaces offering a blend of traditional, modern, and eclectic global influences.

About Kanlaya

I'm a renaissance woman, a wanderlust, a nerd, a writer, a photographer, a designer, and dreamer.
My nomadic spirit has lived  between Boston, LA, NYC, Miami, Atlanta,  San Francisco and currently Minneapolis. Where to next? I dream of France.

I also own and operate Landmarks & Lions and St. Medusa.

For freelance design opportunities, please contact: champagnesunday[at]



  1. Hey! I found your blog via the Glamourai and I noticed that you have been inspired lately by Russian Dolls! so have I! I just did a whole series of paintings with a very Russian feel. I live in Australia, but was home in Canada visiting family and got very inspired by the cold weather and pastel colours of winter. I thought you might enjoy checking them out.
    I hope you get to move to France or Italy soon! Minneapolis is so cold! lol xoc

    1. Carmel - your illustrations are wonderful - thanks for sharing!


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