Sunday, December 15, 2013

Oh Christmas Tree

My husband made a great suggestion - that we should cut our own Christmas tree this year. It was the best idea ever - what better way to celebrate our daughter's first Christmas than to start our own family tradition. I'd been manning the weather reports for weeks because what would even more perfect than cutting your own tree - doing it in the snow of course! And snow it did last week. Unfortunately, it was cold. Real cold. 0 degrees cold. The weather looked brutal the whole of December, so this weekend was our only chance to brave the snow and cold. Krueger's Christmas tree farm luckily was only 30 minutes away. It couldn't have been more charming - cozy cottage sheds, ski lifts and sleighs and even Santa Claus warming himself in front of the fire. My hubz and little girl seemed pretty nice and toasty but I made the mistake of wearing wellies without any lining, so by the time we got our tree, after five minutes, I was so over it. Hubz was having a jolly old time in his parka and badass Sorel snowboots, and wanted to go further into the forest, but as I couldn't feel my toes, and was worrying that my little polar bear might be getting frostbitten, I barked "we're done!" and hightailed it back the warming house. And that, was our first year tradition. Let's hope we have a heat wave next year.




  1. Beautiful photos,
    your baby girl looks so cute!!!

  2. aaaw♥ these photos are so cute!:) and the place look dreamy!♥


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