Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Style Inspiration - Russian Dolls: Part II of III

Someone commented on this snowy scene as "gorgeous" and I was taken aback because it's such an everyday scene here, that I've forgotten to take a step back and appreciate the intrinsic beauty of a snowy landscape. Of course, one can easily forget when it's been subzero for two months. Luckily, (or not so luckily) on this day it was 9 F. I looked at the snow and told my husband "I'm going in". You can't see my steps but I walked a good couple of yards in the snow  and surprisingly, my legs were quite warm. It's a good thing these boots are faux suede - they come in handy when you have to be knee deep in snow.

The instant I saw this ASOS dress, I knew I would love it. As my sister said, it's one of those things that look ugly on the hanger, but fabulous on. The bright blue color with folksy embroidery is so unique - not something you'd find everyday. Paired with my faux fur coat, a cossack hat and voila - Russian dolls.

Local temperature:
Minneapolis: 9 F
St. Petersburg: 19F

Stay tuned for the last Russian doll look this week. Until then... Cheers!



  1. You look just like a Russian doll! Wow that is a lot of snow. Good thing you had tall boots on

  2. I agree! Snow is gorgeous. But it's cold too. I wouldn't be able to stand living where you do. We just got 1/2 an inch last night, and I'm already holed up inside. Lovely outfit. Love the dress, as well as the coat.
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  3. gorgeous post, so original and fantastic!

  4. How beautiful this look is. The red is so gorgeous against the snowy backdrop. And those gloves are so adorable!

    xo freshfizzle


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