Monday, March 17, 2014

Springtime in casual leopard chic

Our little girl has had a rough month - surgery, though relatively minor as it was, was a harrowing experience for newbie parents like us. No one wants to have their child go through an operation and the ordeal that that entails, especially the genereal anesthesia and the subsequent pain. But my little peanut is a tough cookie and she made it through with flying colors. So we have done our best to spoil her in every way - amusement parks, new books, new toys, the zoo and new kicks of course (wouldn't be my kid without a new clothes!)

When I started the blog, I thought I would be able to write more about motherhood, but quickly realized that 99.9% of my time and energy is spent parenting and I had little energy to expend upon the subject beyond that. Thus style, design, decor, and travel remain the essence of this blog - and will continue to be my personal form of escapism.

Much to my disbelief, April is around the corner, which means no more heavy coats and boots! Temperatures soared last week, causing a mass meltdown of previously waist high snow (you can see how high in my Russian Dolls post). Spring has a way of breathing new life into everything and I'm ready to finish tackling a few projects - personal and business. The most important personal priority being working on our long term residence in France. We're a couple steps closer and I will be sharing our process so far. I recently discovered a wonderful lifestyle blog at Design Mom, whose family lived in France for a couple of years, and it has become a major inspiration for me to start our own expat adventure. 

Cheers! xoxo

Coat : Shop Ruche / Pants: Mango / Leopard sweater: ASOS / V heels : Emerson Fry


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