Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mommy and me

After seeing these stylin' "mommy and me" duos, I figured I could give it a whirl, and maybe, just maybe might show these ladies a thing or two. Sorry, I can't find the source of these fashion forward sets, but if anyone knows, please do share.

To be honest, I find myself unwittingly matching our outfits when we play dress up. And perhaps that is just what happens to two people who spend too much time together. Case in point, hubs and I, unbeknownst to us, went on the hunt for the everyday shoe last fall and one day he came home with the man version of my suede Macalister wedge boots from J. Crew. Seeing as we are on opposite ends of the fashion spectrum, we could only chalk it up to whatever that term is for couples who spend too much time together where they start to look alike. Anyhow, looks like baby girl and I are going through the same phenomenon.So if we're going to do so, we're gonna do it in style.

Voila! I present, my Mommy and Me pinterest board.


Monday, January 28, 2013

Thinspiration Monday

In January, most other people have winter blues, but not I. Normally around this time of year I start fantasizing about warm azure waves, lounging in swaying hammock on a balmy day with a pina colada in hand. So naturally I start bikini shopping. I was delusional in thinking I would be able to go right back to working out two months after giving birth. At that point I was only starting to get 4 hours sleep a night and regaining my sanity.

Even now at 5 months, I am trying to find the motivation to get back to the gym. Luckily all 35 pounds I gained was literally baby weight but now I'm left with just my flabby old self. I was pregnant starting in December last year. The frigid cold here in MN adds a rich layer of blubber, like an arctic seal, which means I have to work off two layers of blubber to get back to my ideal pre-Minnesota self.  That is why, I quote Anna Wintour, Minnesotans are built like small houses.

I went pin happy this weekend, working on my swimwear for this year. I discovered two new swimwear style crushes: JETS by Monica Allen and L* Space. Here are some of my favorites:

Sexy and flattering. For covering up the few imperfect stretch marsk from pregnancy. Mine are very light and I'm not bothered by them but I do love this suit. Totally getting one.

Love the idea. Not sure if the bottom will not look like a sexy swim diaper.

This one comes with a matching one for my baby girl. Getting both!


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Our Grand Travel Bucket List

  1. Take a family holiday to the British Virgin Islands - stay at Mango Bay Resort
  2. Take Cunard transatlantic trip from New York to London
  3. Ride the Orient Express from Paris to Venice
  4. Take a Star Clippers Mediterranean cruise
  5. Safari in Sabi Sands
  6. Visit Phi Phi island in Thailand

In the stark cold of a winter my only solace is to daydream of a warm escape to paradise. Our last vacation was our grand honeymoon in Lake Como, Santa Margherita, and Provence. But that was a year and a half ago and my wanderlust is kicking in again. When I was five months pregnant I so desperately wanted a babymoon in BVIs but we just couldn't cut it. If we have to suffer through another winter in MN, a tropical Christmas is in order for next year.

Traveling is usually a shitty experience. Hoards of people crammed into sardine compartments, bad food, and plastic sporks. Whatever happened to the bygone days of traveling in style, when people traveled with multiple trunks and stewards carried your luggage? Hubz and I are very light travelers - with one carry-on bag each and never any check-ins. But now post two dogs and baby, we lug a whole caravan with us: dog tavel bag, stroller, car seat, suitcase(s), and baby.

Taking a transatlantic cruise might be twice the cost of the a roundtrip fare to Europe, but  its 7 nights of prime lodging and food included. And (hopefully) it will be a one way trip anyway. When we get our visas for Europe, our next trip might be crossing the Atlantic in the Queen Mary.

Monday, January 21, 2013

My dining corner makeover plan

For the past two years, I've ever so slowly been remodeling our current abode from ex-bachelors' cave to eclectic chic. Although we I envision our escape from the tundra within a year , that does not prevent me from tackling some last minute makeovers, like our dining table corner.

Currently, the dining corner looks like this:

Since the ugly and useless honey-hued country kitchen table came with the house, and we have yet to replace it, hubz and I have been eating a la TV dinner style for years.

Last week, I made use of my store credit at West Elm recently with  this Source bench, which I'd been eyeing for months, envisioning it as a future dream home mudroom bench. Isn't it tres chic?

Unfortunately, it has no place in our house... yet. We tried to test it out as a dining table bench and it was not quite right. A banquette would be better/higher and provide more seating space. The bench would be perfect as a semi-entryway bench next to the dining table corner.

Seeing as my last DIY attempt started last June 2012 and isn't finished yet, I will not promise results anytime soon.


Sunday, January 20, 2013


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