Friday, February 28, 2014

Icecapades - Diva on Ice

Although I'd grown up here, I'd never actually been on an iced over lake so ironically decided to try it out for the first time when the weather warmed up to the 40s. Rest assured, the ice is a couple feet deep, but my hubz, a Floridian native, wasn't willing to risk walking too far in. Neither was I really, not in these heels.

 Vintage faux fur coat / distressed jeans : ASOS / cami top: ASOS / burgundy heels: Emerson Fry 



Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Staying cool in leopard and stripes

There was a heat wave this week meaning it was the first time my feet felt the sun since, oh, October. Hubz and I visited the Guthrie theater in downtown Mpls - some cool scenes and great architecture. It was nice to get out after a week of feeling under the weather.

This Emerson Fry leopard coat was a prize possession from last year and it was finally warm enough to wear it, along with a pussybow collar top and distressed jeans. I love the boyfriend look - it's perfect for day to day wear and a proper replacement for my morning-into-night pajama look that I've been rocking this winter and it hides those extra winter pounds - oof!


Leopard Coat Emerson Fry / Distressed jeans ASOS / Driving Gloves Carolina Amato / Patent stilettos Emerson Fry / Boston bag Calvin Klein


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Style Inspiration - Russian Dolls Part III of III

Looking back on this series of photos, it really does look quite spectacular. Funny how in the moment though I was cursing bloody murder during each shot, as the wind bit into the very depths of my living flesh. By the time we did these shots, it was remarkably COLD and I was just not having it anymore. 

Oh the things we do for love (of fashion)....



Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Style Inspiration - Russian Dolls: Part II of III

Someone commented on this snowy scene as "gorgeous" and I was taken aback because it's such an everyday scene here, that I've forgotten to take a step back and appreciate the intrinsic beauty of a snowy landscape. Of course, one can easily forget when it's been subzero for two months. Luckily, (or not so luckily) on this day it was 9 F. I looked at the snow and told my husband "I'm going in". You can't see my steps but I walked a good couple of yards in the snow  and surprisingly, my legs were quite warm. It's a good thing these boots are faux suede - they come in handy when you have to be knee deep in snow.

The instant I saw this ASOS dress, I knew I would love it. As my sister said, it's one of those things that look ugly on the hanger, but fabulous on. The bright blue color with folksy embroidery is so unique - not something you'd find everyday. Paired with my faux fur coat, a cossack hat and voila - Russian dolls.

Local temperature:
Minneapolis: 9 F
St. Petersburg: 19F

Stay tuned for the last Russian doll look this week. Until then... Cheers!


Monday, February 3, 2014

Style Inspiration - Russian Dolls: Part I of III

This winter has been the longest, coldest, most unbearable winter I have ever had in my life. Nevertheless, this year I vowed to think more positively and to find inspiration even in the seemingly saddest of places. 

My husband and I only have one free day a week (if ever), and with the temps being subzero for most of the winter, it was a galling task forcing ourselves to go outside. The first day we tried to take these shots, it was 0 degrees (-20 windchill) so of course we thought, "not so bad, lets do it!". Shockingly, it was so cold, the lens froze up. Yes, even the camera gave up.

My inspiration for this series of looks is borrowed from Mother Russia. A little bit of folkloric texture, a faux mink fur stole, and lots of gold chain jewelry for modern touch... all the while looking as glam as possible in freezing weather.

Current local temperatures:

Minneapolis: -8 F
Siberia: -26 F

Minneapolis wins!

Please visit again later this week for Part II and III of my Russian inspired looks.


Wool newsboy Cap: H&M / Crop top: ASOS / Gold embroidered skirt: ASOS / vintage faux mink stole / Earrings ASOS / Over the knee boots ASOS

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